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Friday, December 18, 2020



What is Child Abuse

-           Child Abuse is when a parent or caregiver fails to act or through action causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child.

-           There are many different forms of child maltreatment which include,




          Physical Abuse


          Sexual Abuse




          Emotional Abuse

Why is Child Abuse a Problem?

-           Child abuse has many different factors and types.


-           No matter what the type of abuse that a child may be experiencing, it will always have a negative impact upon the child.


-           Child abuse is a problem 100% of the time because children are being made to feel like they are worthless, these children are being put through pain day by day.


-           Children are usually being abused by adults, this is yet another large problem because children depend on adults to love, care for them, and protect them from danger, instead, these abusers are doing the absolute opposite.

Who is Affected by Child Abuse

-           When child abuse occurs almost everyone involved in the child’s life is affected, including the abuser themselves.


-           * The child is the number one person affected, and the abuse being done hurts the child the most.


-           * Being a family member of the abused child is hard as well.


-           * Knowing your child, or a child you know is being abused whether physically, emotionally, or sexually is never a good feeling.


-          * 
Child abuse affects a child in the most disturbing and hurtful ways, and ruins the remaining life the child will live.

Stand Up to Child Abuse.

*           Helping a child escape child abuse will always begin with standing up, and speaking out.


-         *   When you feel a child is being abused in any way, it always the best idea to speak up, and not be afraid to tell someone.


*           Being safe is better than being sorry.


-           Child abuse normally occurs behind the walls of the abusers own home, this makes it a struggle to realize child abuse when it is happening.

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  What is Child Abuse -            Child Abuse is when a parent or caregiver fails to act or through action causes injury, ...